An Incredibly Smoking Hot Anna Kournikova in Maxim

It’s good to be Anna Kournikova. Hell, it’s just good to look at Anna Kournikova, which is something I do on a pretty regular basis. You can say what you want, but Anna Kournikova was born to model bikinis. Hell, Anna Kournikova was born to have her picture taken. I swear, she’s just gotten hotter and hotter over the years. I personally don’t know how that’s possible, but it is. Honest. Take a look at this recent appearance in Maxim Magazine. If that’s not Anna Kournikova at her smoking hottest, I don’t know what is. And if you disagree with me, I might hit you with a tennis racket, so don’t test me.

Jessiann Gravel Brings the Labor Day Bikini Goodness

Here’s a new one: Jessiann Gravel is a Canadian model. Yes, there are actually really hot girls from Canada. Go figure, right? (And if this offends any Canadians out there, tough nuts! Just kidding. Address all your angry letters to Thank you.) Anyhoo, here’s Canadian model Jessiann Gravel bringing you your daily dose of bikini goodness on an uneventful Labor Day. Oh, Labor Day, won’t you ever do anything to justify your existence because, uh, give me the day off from work with pay?
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